FM Growth
  • 15 Jul.2021
  • 4 min read

How the leadership of this UAE based FM firm is making all the difference

by Tejas Jawahar



(This article is an honest attempt from the FM Times Editorial team to explore and share success stories across the facility management community for collective learning and improvement of all. If at all anything is misinterpreted by us or left to mention the source, please point it out and write back to us)

With the overwhelming response from our readers to our FM unlock blog post, we are even more excited to share this next post. In the last edition, we discuss some of the critical traits of success that have helped Eltizam stand out from the crowd and win key deals & partnerships in the last couple of years.

Our topic this time is an FM firm known for its strong leadership team, dedication to employees, and constant expansion. Just to give you an insight, amidst the pandemic, It has continued to focus on improving customer satisfaction, strengthening its brand identity, and investing in human capital by upskilling its team members.

You might have figured it out by now, yes it’s Imdaad LLC. This Dubai-based facility management company was established in 2007 and since then has been branching out into a variety of services ranging from cleaning to waste management, among others.        

Diverse Portfolio:

FM firms rarely expand their service offerings beyond a certain scope; to their defense, most of them want to excel in particular areas, which is why they believe in vertical integration of services instead of horizontal integration. 

It may make sense from a scalability and profitability standpoint, however, from an owner’s perspective, when it comes to outsourcing multiple tasks integrated FM providers become the obvious choice for better synchronization between the services and efficiency. 

Imdaad offers a variety of service offerings under different brands which can later be combined to deliver an integrated experience. Imdaad provides Hard FM and Environmental Services alone while FARZ provides Materials Recovery Facilities, Isnaad specializes in Soft FM, Imtedaad provides Energy Audits and overall management, Vision Safety deals in Fire Safety, and Nigma is known for Automation.      

Diversification and a focused approach have led Imdaad to win multiple awards in different fields. Recently, they were awarded company of the year for sanitation and waste management.


Mahmood Rasheed, chief operating officer of Imdaad, believes the firms that adopt technologies such as IoT and automation will reap the benefits in the long run. Imdaad has ensured they don’t divert their focus from such technologically advanced solutions regardless of the circumstances.     

As a result, Last year Imdaad launched a range of digital tools to improve customer convenience and operations efficiency. It includes a smartphone application that allows real-time tracking of operational data for optimal resource allocation. Technology team members strive to minimize asset downtime and improve response times to avoid disruptions.

In order to provide proactive solutions and reduce maintenance costs, Imdaad deploys building management systems, which provide real-time access to assets at their clients’ sites and enable remote monitoring in real-time. 

The Imdaad team, which analyzed the data accumulated from our BMS over a month-long period, reported that 90% of the faults that arose were fixed remotely through using the technology. Highlighting the importance of such provision during these times of social distancing and hygiene protocols.


It has always been known that visionary leadership skills lead to success, and Imdaad’s CEO Jamal Abdulla Lootah has demonstrated this exceptional leadership ability over and over again. 

Through continuous investment in new technologies and high-quality services, plus a strong commitment to environmental sustainability, Lootah is committed to keeping Imdaad ahead of its competitors. Imdaad launched Imtiaz Academy in the year 2019 with the goal of equipping its team members with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed. 

The Imtiaz Academy aims to train more than 500 employees each year in ten BICSc skills, including housekeeping, safety in the workplace, using equipment, interacting with customers, and personal hygiene.

In one of his interviews, Lootah emphasized that “despite market conditions, we will not stop investing in people and technology and try to retain our customers.”. We are here to exceed client expectations and a lot of new things are on the horizon for sure.” that just showcases the dedication and strong resolve towards Imdaad’s employees

In addition to several new projects signed and nearly all the existing contracts renewed, Imdaad’s FMS division turned out more profitable than the previous year. The firm has also remained the preferred service provider for the nation’s largest banks as well as all major facility owners.

That was our research on one of the leading facility management firms in the United Arab Emirates. Do you think did is there anything we’ve overlooked? Please let us know in the comment section or write to us.

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