Operations & Maintenance

3 Minute Read

Mobile Engineering services: Crucial support system to keep FM teams leaner

How much time does your core O&M team spend on analyzing data from your critical assets? Or Implementing new applications/...

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Digital Transformation

3 Minute Read

Takeaways from EY’s report on technology adoption and implementation in CRE space

We have always been reinforcing a fact that an ad-hoc technology investment particularly on O&M wouldn’t solve the strategic problems....

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Operations & Maintenance

3 Minute Read

Indoor Air Quality: The Key Factor on Maintenance Schedule list in the workplace post-pandemic

Recently the US EPA  (environmental protection agency) has updated the IAQ standards across commercial buildings and offices and highlighted the...

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Operations & Maintenance

3 Minute Read

Chatbot – The Digital Assistant: Is it a New or revised chapter for O&M teams in Facility management?

What is the first point of contact you establish when you visit a new website? Specifically when you have little...

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Operations & Maintenance

3 Minute Read

Advance Mobile technologies: Maintaining building operation in the new normal

We saw the rise of mobile technologies along with the new age cloud-based CAFM and CMMS. It started with the...

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FM Growth

3 Minute Read

Commercial Property and Building owners Expecting High Performance-as-a-service from the FM teams

Do you remember, what was the first subscription-based software you purchased to manage operations at your facility? It might be...

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FM Growth

4 Minute Read

Cost optimization – leveraging technology to maintain margins for FM firms

The month of January started on a high note with the news of the distribution of a new vaccine for...

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Digital Transformation

4 Minute Read

Takeaways from the Sessions Xempla Hosted at RE:Connect

Two weeks ago, we witnessed one of the most amazing and thought-provoking gatherings of the CRE fraternity. Yes, I am...

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Operations & Maintenance

3 Minute Read

Building Data Analytics: Taking out asset maintenance from retro

Though most of the buildings use Building management systems (BMS) to analyze and monitor their critical assets, they have come...

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